
About Me

Welcome to Yoga by Ryann Retreats
Ryann Tillman

Ryann Tillman

  • 200 hr RYT Mysore India
  • 300 hr RYT Costa Rica
  • Fascial Stretch Therapist

Specialties include:

  • Hatha yoga
  • Yin yoga
  • Breathwork and Meditation
  • Sound Healing
  • Prenatal
  • Postural/Alignment focused private sessions
  • Advanced asana and arm balance workshops
  • Ceremonial Leader
  • Teaching yoga teacher trainings since 2017
  • Hosting retreats since 2018

My name is Ryann Tillman, I have a passion to spread the amazing power that yoga has to positively transform your life. My goal is to guide you down a path to improved physical and mental well-being. In 2010 I like many others found my way into my first yoga class after an injury. It was a few months after making the decision to hang up my college volleyball uniform after suffering the last of my ankle injuries. Little did I know at that time that losing the identity as a college athlete would result in me losing my sense of self. I felt lost and frustrated like never before. I stayed in the gym and even picked up spin classes and a little running. Nothing seemed to help with the tension I felt building up in me. Walking into my first yoga class set into action something I never would have expected! By the end of that first class, I felt lighter and a release of some of that built up tension I was carrying with me. Yoga causally became part of my life without me even noticing.

I hopped on the hamster wheel of life as a makeup artist for a few years before moving to NYC as a model.  There I learned some of my most valuable life lessons thus far. One of the biggest lessons that ultimately lead me to becoming a yoga teacher, was that nothing is more valuable than your health! I returned to my home state, Tennessee with the focus of getting myself healthier and stronger again. As a makeup artist I always wanted to help people feel beautiful and good about themselves. I landed a goal job at a beautiful Medi-Spa shortly after returning to TN, and thought I was right where I wanted to be. After working there for a while, I went home with a heavy heart almost every day. That was because I wasn't helping people in the way I was being called to. I wanted to help on a level much deeper than the skin deep. I wanted to help people the way yoga helped me. I made the drastic and wonderful decision to quit my job and go study yoga, pranayama, meditation, and Ayurveda in India to become a yoga teacher.

I earned my 200 hour yoga teaching certification in 2014, while living and studying in an ashram located in Mysore, India. I traveled there in search of the most traditional and authentic yoga education and experience. Two days after getting home from India I moved back to my birth state, Florida as a full-time yoga teacher. I am now a 500hr, E200hr YACEP through Yoga Alliance and can offer continuing education hours to yoga teachers. In February 2017 I earned my 500 hour level certification in the magical jungles of Costa Rica with Soul Work. I was hired by Soul Work and have helped certify over 100 yoga teachers. I primarily teach Hatha inspired classes, which is a slower pace class with an emphasis on the breath developing flexibility, body control, and awareness. In the last few years Yin yoga has become a big part of my teaching and personal practiced for it’s deep relaxation and decompression affects. In a world that we are always on the go having the opportunity to slow down and connect deeper to yourself is so valuable. I look forward to showing you what your body is capable of when you learn to connect the mind, body, and breath!
